
dental implants

What is the implant?

The implant is a device made of a biocompatible material (usually in the shape of a screw) that replaces the root or roots of lost teeth. On these structures, which we can also call artificial roots, fixed or mobilizable dental prosthetic works are fixed.
Statistically, the success rate of the implant is between 93 - 96% 5 years after insertion.
The maintenance of implants on time is conditioned primarily by good oral hygiene and regular checks.
The manufacture of the implant from titanium, which does not cause allergic reactions, means that the phenomenon of rejection by the body does not exist.
The use of the implant is most often conditioned by the existence of an appropriate size of the bone of the alveolar ridge, therefore by a quantitative but also a qualitative evaluation of the bone.


The implant is indicated if there are unidentified or multiple edentulousness at the level of both arches. The presence of edentulousness leads, in all cases, to the horizontal or vertical migration of neighboring teeth, accompanied by phenomena of bone atrophy as a consequence of harmful forces developed over time in the arches. Most often the change in occlusion (bite) is reflected by changes in the temporomandibular joint that are symptomatic or not.
Potential candidates for implant prosthesis will require specific investigations to assess both his state of health and any risk factors that may complicate treatment and contraindications.
The patient is informed preoperatively about the implant insertion technique, the duration of treatment, the advantages over conventional prosthetic treatment, as well as about the costs.

The advantages of the implant:

Increased masticatory efficiency.
It prevents the resorption of the alveolar ridge bone which will maintain its volume and quality around the implant.
Preserving the integrity of the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth area which, in conventional prosthetic treatment, are polished and, most often, devitalized.
The results of implant insertion are generally influenced by local or general conditions.

The local conditions are:
Poor hygiene leads to the formation of bacterial plaque and infection of the gums and bone around the implant (as well as the tooth) with the loss of the underlying bone support. This can be solved by professional hygiene in the office.
Smoking is an influencing factor by the deposition of combustion products that accelerate inflammatory phenomena and by local vasoconstriction (defective blood supply) of the gums and bones, followed by atrophy. For these reasons, smoking is a relative or, according to some authors, even absolute contraindication, knowing that in smokers the survival of the implant is much lower compared to that of non-smokers.

The general conditions are:

Chronic diseases such as uncompensated diabetes or AIDS
Bone metabolic diseases
Steroid treatments
Untreated osteoporosis etc.

That is why it is very important to discuss with your doctor in advance in order to eliminate in time the possible problems that may lead to implant failure. Good collaboration with the patient will allow the doctor to make a correct assessment of health. It is important to know that old age is not an impediment in implant treatment because old age is not a disease. Health is crucial.